Infos Clés
- Opération Development
- Maitrise d'ouvrage Euroméditerranée
- Maitrise d'oeuvre Bruno Fortier and Jean-Michel Savignat
- Financeur Euroméditerranée
- Surface 21200 m²
- Livraison 2016
Esplanade de la Major
The winning project stands out for the quality of its proposals in view of Euroméditerranée’s ambitions for this exceptional site:
- Releasing the littoral fringe from traffic by deviating it by a two way street Evêché side, the main part of the traffic flow already being absorbed by the Major tunnel.
- Developing a space for relaxation and walks with trees planted sea side, on the Major parvis. Developing a French bowls area and multisports field Evêché-side.
- Highlighting the architectural ensemble of the cathedral and Vieille Major which are major features of the Marseilles heritage with a light show.
- Recapturing the Euroméditerranée sea front: Burying the motorway flyover, demolishing the GPMM fore and aft hangars and developing the coastal boulevard.
This redeveloped public land enables residents and users of the district to have a quality public space. Also, it contributes to the increase in the number tourists visiting the coast.
The development work was interrupted between summer 2011 and 2014, while the cathedral base, on which the scenic walk is laid, was reinforced and sealed. In the base, the vault area was converted into leasable areas open onto the boulevard du littoral over more than 7,000 m².
The esplanade de la Major was inaugurated on 15 October 2016 and is now called "Esplanade Jean-Paul II".