Infos Clés
- Opération Réhabilitation
- Maitrise d'ouvrage George V - SNC MRS Joliette
- Maitrise d'oeuvre Eric Castaldi
- Surface 80000 m²
- Livraison 2002
- Propriétaire Jp Morgan Asset Management / Constructa Asset Management
- Gestionnaire PACA Region South, French ministry of culture
- Début des travaux 1992
- Entreprises 250
- Salariés 3000
Les Docks
Le bâtiment des Docks a été construit entre 1856 et 1866, sur les plans de Paulin TALABOT assisté de Gustave DESPLACES. Il permettait alors le stockage des marchandises du port. Le bâtiment mesure 365 m de long, 37 m de large et 30 m de hauteur. L'activité industrielle des docks s'est arrêtée en 1988. La restauration du bâtiment en immeuble de bureaux a débuté le 5 mai 1992, sous l'action de Georges V devenu aujourd'hui Nexity. Aujourd'hui, avec 250 entreprises implantées, les Docks affichent complet.
Les Docks et Entrepôts ont marqué, au XIXème siècle, le formidable renouveau de la cité phocéenne. Cent cinquante ans plus tard, ils sont au cœur du nouveau Marseille : symboliques, indestructibles, incontournables.

This rehabilitation is emblematic for Euroméditerranée in a number of ways. Other than the pre-existing architectural wealth and the quality of the latter, it is above all the first operation launched on this site, and which has helped lend credibility to the potential of these initially highly degraded districts or industrial wasteland.
Majority owned by JP Morgan Asset Management since 2007, the docks saw a new development as part of a 50-million Euro investment project, led by Constructa Urban Systems, designed by the 5+1AA Alfonso Femia Gianluca Peluffo architects agency.
The objective of this development was to open the docks, designed at the launch of Euroméditerranée, to give them back to the people of Marseilles. Retail space covers 17,000 m2, thus allotting a considerable portion of the quantity of commercial floor space in the building.
On 30 September 2014, Cofely (GDF Suez group) signed an agreement for the creation of a marine energy conversion plant on the Arenc mole with promoters (Constructa), investors (Foncière des Régions) and Euroméditerranée. The docks building is thus be connected to this new unit of around 1,000 m² which supplies both cold and heat. This 100% natural solution provides for significant energy savings.